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The 6 Best Skills for Amazon Echo - August 2017

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These are our favorite Alexa skills for August. They include some helpful sleeping skills, a game, and a skill to catch up on baseball.

ambientAmbient Noise - This is one of our favorite skills for ambient noise. If you're like me and need some noise to fall asleep or to help you relax. This is a skill you need to check out. It has 15+ ambient noises to pick from with out needing to switch skills. These include favorites like rain, ocean waves, and rain forest. Plus some others you may not know you enjoy. Crickets, cats, vacuums... Anyone? Click here to enable it!

dealornoDeal or No Deal - The unofficial app for the fan favorite Deal or No Deal! You can't win actual money from this skill but you can still have fun. You get 20 cases ranging from 0.01to0.01 to 1,000,000. You can keep track using a paper or open the Alexa App on your phone to see what cases are left. Very addictive, compete with your friends and family members to see who can get the most money! Click here to enable it!

anypodAnyPod - This is one of our favorite podcast skills and it seems to get better every day. They have great customer service. If you email a request expect a response soon. They seem to be getting busier so if it takes a few days for them to get back to you don't worry. All of the best podcasts are available, from This American Life to This Week in Tech. Click here to enable! At Bat - This skill had suffered some difficulties in the past with it not working with the 2nd generation Echo Dot. In our experience, those problems have been solved. Catch up on the latest games from your favorite teams. Listen to the World Series, All Star Game and more. Click here to enable!

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